
About Me

My Retreat
Bedford Park
My Retreat
Bedford Park
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I began my journey into Yoga around 10 years ago after a serious back injury. I was sceptical about how it might help – well it kept me walking until my operation and was extremely instrumental in aiding my recovery! Since then, throughout my studies and practice I have witnessed first-hand how Yoga can help people not only physically but also mentally bringing a sense of calmness and well-being to the mind.

After 15 years working as a class teacher and department head in both mainstream and special needs schools I decided to take the plunge and a break from teaching and go to India to immerse myself for a month in the practices of Yoga, regenerate myself and gain a second yoga teacher training qualification. This was one of the best decisions I ever made and it has convinced me that Yoga truly is a life science that works bringing the individual peace and harmony in both body and mind.

Although I love teaching adults I believe strongly that if we educate our children now in the techniques and practices of Yoga and mindfulness they will be better equipped from an earlier age to handle life’s challenges and themselves in more positive way no matter what their circumstances. I decided therefore to unite my loves of teaching and Yoga by offering my services and teaching experience to schools to educate both pupils and staff as to how Yoga can help them. Consequently, on my return from India, I undertook a specialist course with Class Yoga to become a qualified Children’s Yoga Teacher. Hence OmMoShantiYoga was born.

I would love to discuss with you how I can help you and the services I can offer. Please do get in touch with me using the form on the contacts page with any questions and enquiries you may have. I am here to help.

Om shanti and Namaste – Mo

Please click here to contact me via the Contacts Page or email me at info@ommoshantiyoga.co.uk to obtain further information.

A picture of me at sunrise in the Himalayas
At peace watching the sunrise in the Himalayas

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